How did you choose your name?
Velocity means speed with direction. We know that everyone is on a spiritual journey, all at different speeds and in different directions. Velocity is here to help people accelerate their faith-journey toward God.
What should I wear?
Our dress code is simple... please do! Wear whatever you normally wear. It's your call. Most of us dress casually for the gatherings. Our pastors don't dress formally. Jeans are fine. We don't believe that dressing formally was something Jesus was concerned about, so we aren't either.
Do you have childcare at Velocity?
Velocity has much more than childcare! During our gatherings, we offer a safe and secure place for infants and toddlers, as well as high-energy, age-appropriate programs for children age 30 months through 5th grade. We highly value the opportunity to provide an environment where children can learn about Jesus and His love for them.
Where should I park?
Guests of Velocity are invited to park in any of the 50 spots located directly around our building at 3300 Church Rd. We ask regular attenders and members to choose one of the "Parking Zones" around the building. Please observe all "No Parking" signs in some of the businesses adjacent to us.
What do you have going for teenagers?
Teens are also very important at Velocity. It's a very critical time for their faith development. Our students also participate in a variety of other activities, community service projects, mission trips and retreats in addition to serving in other areas of ministry at Velocity.
When I get there what will the gathering be like? What do I need to know so I don’t look conspicuous? Will I be pointed out as a first time guest? Will I be made to feel awkward, embarrassed or uncomfortable? Do I sound neurotic for asking all these questions?
All valid concerns! We want you to be as comfortable as possible at Velocity. We won’t point you out in the gathering as a first-time guest, and we promise not to show up at your house that afternoon as you’re preparing dinner or watching the game. Please note that we do have a lot of friendly people who may come up and say hello. But you can be as conspicuous or anonymous as you’d like.
I've attended other churches that I thought were non-denominational only to find out that they were part of a denomination. Is Velocity a part of some denominational structure?
Velocity is an Independent Christian Church, which means that we’re affiliated with a larger group of churches called Independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ. There are more than 5,000 churches within our network across the nation. An advantage of being an Independent Christian Church is that we’re not responsible to a governing denominational board. Each Independent Christian Church is governed locally by leaders within the local congregation. A New York Times study showed that non-denominational independent Christian Churches are the fastest growing group of churches in America. And we feel a part of that. That’s because we’re not trying to bring people into a denomination, but rather connect them to Jesus Christ. Our aim, simply put, is to help people accelerate their faith journey toward God.
What if I decide to join Velocity? What do I need to do?
Obviously, we want everyone to be a part of Velocity’s mission. But we also want them to completely understand what we’re about in the process. One way we do that is through our one-afternoon seminar called Veloci-Vision. That’s where we explain what we believe, how we do things at Velocity and what it means to be a member and a Christ-follower. We offer a new members class throughout the year at our building. Check the schedule at the Welcome Table for the next class or email us for more info.